
Masanobu Fukuoka from "The One-Straw Revolution"

…humanity is ignorant, that there is nothing to strive for, and that whatever is done is wasted effort… There is no one so great as the one who does not try to accomplish anything.

To the extent that people separate themselves from nature, they spin out further and further from the center. At the same time, a centripetal effect asserts itself and the desire to return to nature arises. But if people merely become caught up in reacting, moving to the left or to the right, depending on conditions, the result is only more activity. The non-moving point of origin, which lies outside the realm of relativity, is passed over, unnoticed. I believe that even „returning-to-nature” and anti-pollution activities, no matter how commendable, are not moving toward a genuine solution if they are carried out solely in reaction to the overdevelopment of the present age.
Masanobu Fukuoka from „The One-Straw Revolution”


Masanobu Fukuoka from "The One-Straw Revolution"

Gazing vacantly, it is not unnatural to see the water as flowing from above to below, but there is no inconsistency in seeing the water as standing still and the bridge as flowing by.

I have a different sense of time. I hope, as the days go by, that I will be able to experience a day as a year.

When I go to the fields or the orchard I say to myself: make no promises, forget about yesterday, do not think about tomorrow, put sincere effort into each day’s work and leave no footprints here on earth. I am happy simply to work joyfully on my farm, which to me is the Garden of Eden.

Masanobu Fukuoka from „The One-Straw Revolution”

Plato from Timaeus

Now diseases… so, when you try to wipe them out with drugs before they have run their due course, the mild diseases are liable to get severe, and the occasional ones frequent. That is why you need to cater to all such diseases by taking care of yourself to the extent that you are free and have the time to do that. What you should not do [d] is aggravate a stubborn irritation with drugs.
Plato from Timaeus

Platon fragment Timajosa

Ruch wywołany ćwiczeniem fizycznym jest najlepszym z tych jakie oczyszczają i regenerują ciało.

Faktycznie istnieje jeden sposób utrzymywania siebie w zdrowiu, polega on na ćwiczeniu duszy wraz z ćwiczeniem ciała, ciała zaś nie zapominając o duszy tak, że obie części mogą być zrównoważone przez drugą stronę i pozostawać w harmonii. Zatem każdy matematyk, czy inny zagorzały wyznawca jakiejkolwiek dyscypliny intelektualnej, powinien dostarczać ćwiczeń swojemu ciału biorąc udział w gimnastyce, podczas gdy ktoś kto dba o rozwój swojego ciała powinien w trosce o siebie praktykować ćwiczenie duszy poprzez angażowanie się w sztukę i umiłowanie mądrości, jeśli naprawdę chcę być godnym podwójnego epitetu „porządku i dobra”.
Platon Timajos

Plato from Timaeus

All that is unnatural, we recall, is painful, while all that occurs naturally is pleasant. This is true of death as well: a death that is due to disease or injury is painful and forced, while a death that comes naturally, when the aging process has run its course, is of all deaths the least distressing—a pleasant, not a painful death.
Plato from Timaeus