no better love than love with no object,
no more satisfying work than work with no purpose.
if you could give up all tricks and cleverness,
that would be the ckeverest trick! Rumi
as a mineral Rumi
This Dream Must Be Interpreted Rumi
This place is a dream.
Only a sleeper considers it real.
Then death comes like dawn,
and you wake up laughing
at what you thought was your grief.
But there’s a difference with this dream.
Everything cruel and unconscious
done in the illusion of the present world,
all that does not fade away at the death-waking.
It stays,
and it must be interpreted.
All the mean laughing,
all the quick, sexual wanting,
those torn coats of Joseph,
they change into powerful wolves
that you must face.
The retaliation that sometimes comes now,
the swift, payback hit,
is just a boy’s game
to what the other will be.
You know about circumcision here.
It’s full castration there!
Czytaj dalej
The Universe in small
Philosophers say a human being is the universe in small, but it is more true that the essence of a human is the whole from which the cosmos grew. It looks as if fruit grows from a branch, but growth comes more truly from the gardener’s hope and the work of sowing the seed that grew inside the fruit. The tree of the universe grows out of the fruit and its seed, even though in form the tree bears the fruit.
Rumi & Coleman B.
Rumi from "Soul of Rumi"
I thank God with all my heart
for the gifts he has given mankind.
Uncountable are his miracles, immeasurable his love…
He has filled each day with his splendor
and given us eyes to see,
hearts that can comprehend,
spirits that stand in awe.
Also he has permitted us
knowledge beyond our wisdom,
and has granted us, in our unripeness,
the power to destroy the earth.
I praise his fathomless mercy
and thank him for his difficult grace…
from „Soul of Rumi”