
Plumeria Kwiat Lei, Frangipani

Plumeria (Plumeria Tourn. ex L.) pochodzi z Ameryki Środkowej. Nazwa upamiętnia francuskiego botanika Charlesa Plumiera.


Plumeria flowers are most fragrant at night in order to lure sphinx moths to pollinate them. The flowers have no nectar, however, and simply dupe their pollinators. The moths inadvertently pollinate them by transferring pollen from flower to flower in their fruitless search for nectar.
 These are now common naturalised plants in southern and southeastern Asia. In local folk beliefs they provide shelter to ghosts and demons. The scent of the Plumeria has been associated with a vampire in Malay folklore, the pontianak; frangipani trees are often planted in cemeteries. They are associated with temples in both Hindu and Buddhist cultures.


Rambutan Jagodzian rambutan

The name ‘rambutan’ is derived from the Malay language word for rambut or “hair”, a reference to the numerous hairy protuberances of the fruit, together with the noun-building suffix -an. In Vietnam, it is called chôm chôm (meaning “messy hair”) due to the spines covering the fruit’s skin.


Rambutan is native to tropical Southeast Asia and commonly grown throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Phillipines. It has spread from there to various parts of Asia, Africa, Oceania and Central America.
 Although its precise natural distribution is unknown, it is thought to have originated on the Malay peninsula. The earliest historical record of rambutan trees show that they were cultivated by the Malayan jungle tribes around their temporary settlements. The widest variety of cultivars, wild and cultivated, are still found in Malaysia.
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Passion fruit Passiflora edulis, Męczennica jadalna, maracujá

Nel 1610 il padre agostiniano Emmanuel de Villegas, che tornava da una missione nel Messico, portava con se il primo esemplare rinsecchito di un fiore che reputava straordinario, il simbolo vegetale della Passione del Cristo: nasceva da un gracile arbusto rampicante dotato di viticci e foglie dentellate e persistenti detto granadilla. Gli indigeni dell’America tropicale ne apprezzavano il frutto, una bacca ovoidale, giallo-aranciata, grossa come un uovo, di sapore agrodolce. Era un alimento ricco di vitamina C da cui si ricavava un vino leggermente inebriante.

passion fruit d

Ma al missionario occidentale interessava il fiore. I filamenti disposti a raggiera nella parte centrale gli ricordavano la corona di spine; lo stilo, al centro, la colonna della flagellazione; gli stimmi i chiodi; lo stame, la spugna imbevuta di fiele e di aceto; le cinque macchie rosse sulla corolla, le cinque piaghe. “E un fiore blu che tende al viola” avrebbe scritto qualche secolo piu tardi Huysmans “e in cui l’ovario simula la croce; gli stili e gli stimmi i chiodi; gli stami, i martelli; gli organi filamentosi, la corona di spine; in una parola, essa concentra in se tutti gli strumenti della Passione.”
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