
The Biodynamic Pfeiffer Center
What Is Biodynamics? Sherry Wildfeuer - Pfeiffer Center
Rolnictwo biodynamiczne Jerzy Prokopiuk - e_gnosis
Permakultura – studium filozofii praktycznej plan doktoratu
- Szkoła Epikura
(ogród, ascetyczny hedonizm, przyjaźń (ogólnie – wartość filozofii starożytnej) - Permakultura 1)↓
(jako powrót do trwałych wartości (w kontekście globalnego ekologicznego kryzysu)
- Permakultura
- Etyka
- Care for the earth
- Care for the people
- Return of surplus 2)↓
- Teoria
- Systems ecology and applied ecology
- Sustainable land use
- Organic farming
- Sustainable development
- Natural building
- Praktyka
- Twelve design principles
- 5 etapów rozwoju (from Transition Towns)
(na etapie pierwszym m.in. przemiana wewnętrzna)
Filozofia praktyczna
- Reflective practice
- Philosophical counseling
- Angelo Eliades, Permaculture and Philosophy
- Jerzy Prokopiuk, Rolnictwo biodynamiczne
- Rudolf Steiner, What Is Biodynamics?
- Donald Worster, Nature’s Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas
1. | ↑ | Permaculture — from permanent and agriculture — is an integrated design philosophy that encompasses gardening, architecture, horticulture, ecology, even money management and community design. The basic approach is to create sustainable systems that provide for their own needs and recycle their waste. |
2. | ↑ | Oryginalnie trzecia z tych zasad w podręczniku Billa Mollisona Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual (1988) stanowiła: Ogranicz populację i konsumpcję… więcej – wiki |
La percezione morale Rudolf Steiner
We are able to recognize the life world behind physical nature when we begin to have a moral perception of the world lying around us.
Spiritual science does not merely signify the acquisition of knowledge; it signifies most preeminently an education, a self-education of our souls. We make ourselves different; we have other interests. When one imbues oneself with spiritual science, the habits of attention for this or that subject that one had developed in previous years alter. What was once of interest is of interest no longer; what was of no interest previously now begins to be interesting in the highest degree.
I am speaking to those who have, to some extent, accepted spiritual science. Therefore I may take it for granted that you know that immediately behind what meets us externally as human beings—behind what we see with our eyes, touch with our hands, and grasp with our understanding in ordinary human anatomy or physiology, behind what we call the physical body—we recognize the first supersensible human principle. This supersensible principle of the human being we call the etheric body, or life body. […]
We can do something similar with regard to the nature around us. Just as we can investigate a human being to see whether there is not something more than the physical body and then find the etheric body, so, too, we can look at external nature in her colors, forms, sounds, and kingdoms—in the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms, insofar as these meet us physically. We discover that just as behind the human physical body there is a life body, so there is a sort of etheric body, or life body, behind the whole of physical nature…
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