Masanobu Fukuoka

Masanobu Fukuoka from "The One-Straw Revolution"

The art of cooking begins with sea salt and a crackling fire. When food is prepared by someone sensitive to the fundamentals of cookery, it maintains its natural flavor. If, by being cooked, food takes on some strange and exotic flavor, and if the purpose of this change is merely to delight the palate, this is false cooking.

Masaonobu Fukuoka from “The One-Straw Revolution”

Permaculture Conference '86, Masanobu Fukuoka


…fi­nally I drew a pic­ture of Don Quixote’s don­key. On its back were a blind Bill and a deaf Wes both rid­ing back­ward, and me hang­ing des­per­ately on to the don­key’s swish­ing tail. The three Don Quixotes, hop­ing to re­turn to na­ture, were try­ing to stop the don­key from rush­ing wildly to­ward the brink of dis­as­ter, but it seemed hope­less. Some­one asked what was go­ing to hap­pen, so I drew Pres­i­dent Rea­gan sit­ting front­ward on the don­key’s back dan­gling a car­rot in front of the don­key’s nose. When I asked, “What do sup­pose the car­rot is?” some­one cor­rectly an­swered, “Money.”
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Lawn Cul­ture

Ev­ery­where I went I preached the abo­li­tion of lawn cul­ture, say­ing that it was an im­i­ta­tion green cre­ated for hu­man be­ings at the ex­pense of na­ture and was noth­ing more than a rem­nant of the ar­ro­gant aris­to­cratic cul­ture of Eu­rope.
Masanobu Fukuoka, “Sawing Seeds in the Desert”


Ideal Nat­u­ral Farm Masanobu Fukuoka

On the ideal nat­u­ral farm or ur­ban home­stead, there would be a mix­ture of fruit and nut trees, and be­neath them veg­eta­bles, grains, and berries. Chick­ens would run around in the weeds and clover. When I talked about such things in Japan, I was con­sid­ered un­re­al­is­tic, but in the United States this idea is eas­ier to un­der­stand for most peo­ple, and eas­ier to carry out. When I sug­gested that it would be a good idea to plant fruit trees to line the streets in towns and cities and to grow veg­eta­bles in­stead of lawns and an­nual flow­ers, so that when the towns­peo­ple were tak­ing a walk, they could pick and eat the fruit from the road­side, peo­ple were sur­pris­ingly en­thu­si­as­tic.
Masanobu Fukuoka, “Sawing Seeds in the Desert”


This draw­ing was in­spired by Mr. Fukuoka’s ex­pe­ri­ence at the sum­mer camp at French Mead­ows in the Sierra Nevada Moun­tains. It shows peo­ple camp­ing out, de­light­ing in the for­est, the river, and the fresh moun­tain air. The cook­ing pot over the fire pit is sus­pended by the moon.
In the place where there is noth­ing, ev­ery­thing ex­ists.