
Kundalini is a Sanskrit yogic term for the unimpeded power of wisdom, transformation, and revelation inherent to us all. It is the power of universal, unbounded Consciousness as the potential for the individual to know all that lies beyond the confines of the mind and body while discovering a new vision of the mind and body revealing hidden dimensions with unimagined clarity.

 The term Kundalini translates quite literally as “the coiled one” and symbolically points to our innate potential power of consciousness, which is represented by a coiled spring or a snake, ready to be unleashed. The unfurling of Kundalini’s power occurs through the process of Kundalini awakening, which releases the power of Infinite Consciousness to impact the mind and body in countless transformative ways. It unleashes the power and potential of your mind and body to function at their very best. More importantly, from a yogic perspective, this power, your power, opens experiences of boundless love, compassion, wisdom, and grace. Ultimately Kundalini brings you to the highest state of consciousness possible. […]


kundalini precolombiana indigena

Kundalini is given different names in different spiritual traditions — Holy Spirit, Chi, Sophia, N’um, Saraswati, Tara, Prajnaparamita, bodhicitta, and many more — but the power of grace, revelation, and transformation to which these terms point is one and the same. Each language has its name for gold, but gold is always the same substance. All spiritual traditions speak of the power beyond the mind that draws one through the profound process of transformation and revelation to the very source of the highest wisdom and boundless love. That power, in the yogic tradition, is known as Kundalini.

In the yogic tradition, Kundalini is described as “ever new”.

From the most expansive perspective of the macrocosm, Kundalini is Shakti, the infinite power of Consciousness that creates the entire universe and everything within it. From an interior, microcosmic perspective, Kundalini creates the universe of body and mind, every cell and every thought, while holding the potential power to directly know what is completely beyond the mind, beyond words, beyond even the imagination. […]
 Kundalini is the power of transformation through illumination, revelation, and energetic re-creation of the mind-body vehicle. It is the motive power of every mystical/spiritual tradition, though each calls it by a different name.
Lawrence Edwards, PhD, from “Awakening Kundalini”

She is the eternal dancer beckoning us to awaken to the boundless delight of her dance.

Serpentine Apotheosis

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