Carl G. Jung yoga ex­er­cises

I was fre­quently so wrought up that I had to do cer­tain yoga ex­er­cises in or­der to hold my emo­tions in check. But since it was my pur­pose to know what was go­ing on within my­self, I would do these ex­er­cises only un­til I had calmed my­self enough to re­sume my work with the un­con­scious. As soon as I had the feel­ing that I was my­self again, I aban­doned this re­straint upon the emo­tions and al­lowed the im­ages and in­ner voices to speak afresh. The In­dian, on the other hand, does yoga ex­er­cises in or­der to oblit­er­ate com­pletely the mul­ti­tude of psy­chic con­tents and im­ages.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections; VI. Con­fronta­tion with the Un­con­scious

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