
menu popostowe po dziesięciodniowej głodówce

śniadanie: [przed szóstą] ryż czerwony (z czarnym na zmianę) z bananami, orzeszkami nerkowca i tamaryndem

drugie śniadanie: [około dziewiątej] tofu (tahu) z sosem sojowym kecap asin, ziemniaczki gotowane w całości bez soli, uduszony kangkung (indonezyjski szpinak) albo liście kassawa.

w międzyczasie owoce: mangosteny, dokong, ananas…

obiad: [popołudniu około trzeciej] zupa kalafiorowo-fasolkowa (warzywna), w niej kapusta, kalafior, pomidor, marchewka, jicama albo ziemniak (albo razem), szalotka, czosnek, cebulka szczypior, fasolka mung, orzeszki arachidowe albo tempeh, oliwa, cztery łyżki kecap asin na dwa litry zupy.

po zupie i po chwili: DURIAN :)

kolacja: [przed szóstą] powtórka obiadu :)

durian zybuczkowiec

idę z dwoma durianami, kupionymi po drodze do domu. niosę je w ręce przewiązane sznurkiem, a sąsiedzi na ten widok jakbym co najmniej jakieś dwie “modelki” holował… uśmiechają się, cmokają, pokazują sobie… a najbardziej ucieszone oczywiście jak zwykle kobiety.
 więc sprawdziłem w wikipedii, chociaż czułem o co chodzi, bo ta jadalna część, mięsista pachnąca słodycz pokrywająca nasiona… naprawdę trudno się oprzeć wrażeniu, jeśli zna się szczegóły męskiej anatomii…


 …a w wikipedii czytam i już wiem:
 ”The Javanese believe durian to have aphrodisiac qualities, and impose a set of rules on what may or may not be consumed with it or shortly thereafter.[34] A saying in Indonesian, durian jatuh sarung naik, meaning “the durian falls and the sarong comes up”, refers to this belief.[67] The warnings against the supposed lecherous quality of this fruit soon spread to the West – the Swedenborgian philosopher Herman Vetterling commented on so-called “erotic properties” of the durian in the early 20th century.”


durian – wiki

Syzygium aromaticum Cloves, Chiodi di garofano, Goździki

Until modern times, cloves grew only on a few islands in the Maluku Islands (historically called the Spice Islands)

In the sev­en­teenth cen­tury 1)↓ as now, many fam­i­lies in north­ern Maluku would spend har­vest sea­son knock­ing clus­ters of pink buds off their clove trees. Chil­dren spread the buds on flat, round trays wo­ven out of palm leaves, and adults hiked them up onto the nipa-palm roof of the cot­tage to dry. Af­ter a few days be­ing toasted by the sun and ca­ressed by the breeze, the buds shrivel and blacken into the round-topped nails that we toss into mulled wine. If you are sail­ing down­wind from one of the smaller is­lands of Maluku in the July clove-dry­ing sea­son, you can some­times smell Christ­mas be­fore you can even see land. […]
 The big­gest con­sumer of In­done­sia’s cloves 2)↓ nowa­days are In­done­sia’s smok­ers, who like their cig­a­rettes scented with the spice, not least be­cause it dou­bles as an anaes­thetic and smoothes the pas­sage of tox­ins into the lungs. The coun­try smokes 223 bil­lion clove cig­a­rettes, or kreteks, ev­ery year, thir­teen times more than or­di­nary ‘white’ cig­a­rettes…
Eliz­a­beth Pisani, In­done­sia Etc.


Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum. They are native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, and are commonly used as a spice. Cloves are commercially harvested primarily in Indonesia, India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.
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1. when the Dutch East India Company consolidated its control of the spice trade – przyp. Amin
2. In­done­sia pro­duces nearly 80 per cent of the world’s cloves

Sylvester Graham from "Vegetarianism: A History"

Sylvester Graham (1794-1851), who was an earnest advocate of the health regimen (similar to the Alcott House routine) of temperance and vegetarianism. He was a major force of the times. He was ordained a minister in 1826 and lectured widely on his subjects with particular emphasis on the use of wholemeal wheat flour in bread and baking. His health plan was Spartan – hard mattresses and cold showers and a vegetarian diet with home-baked bread. Graham was a believer in consuming as great a proportion of`raw’ food as possible. His theory was that we should eat what Adam and Eve ate before the Fall. Great emphasis, therefore, was placed on berries, nuts, seeds and fruit. He maintained that to give the best health food should be uncooked, undressed, unprocessed and unrefined. It is astonishing that Graham’s imprint in wholemeal flours and breads is so clearly seen still today in bakers’ and health food shops throughout the country 1)↓.
from “Vegetarianism: A History” by Colin Spencer


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1. and that in the USA wholemeal flour is referred to still as Graham flour… [w Polsce chleb z ciemnej mąki też ciągle nazywany jest grahamem…- przyp – Amin]