mystic poets

The Three Stooges Jalal al-Din Rumi

When eternity touches anything temporal, silence deepens
 and becomes one zeroed thing
made of both. Dervishes can find a hundred ways to say
 how this happens. I’ve
no interest in more poetic images. Mysterious combinations
 of Arabic letters stand
at the begining of certain Qur’anic chapters: alif lam
 mim ba-mim. They seem
like other letters, but only as biscuits resemble the
 moon! A true feeling of
what comes from the presence can free the imprisoned and resurrect the helpless.
Some word combinations, like skin-and-bone arrangements,
 have sublime qualities. These
three people talking in the street are ordinary young
 men, but Alif, Lam, and
Mim have an exchange more like Larry, Curly, and Moe.

Dżalal ad-Din ar-Rumi “The Three Stooges”

Jami’s the camel driver’s song Jalal al-Din Rumi

A sufi was on the path of clarity. Every day he walked
 the desert, and every night
he walked and slept in the emptiness of God’s custody.
 One night he came upon
a merchant’s tent and felt the need for conversation. He
 lifted the tent flap
and saw a black slave in chains, unable to move, but shining
 with intelligence like
the moon. “Help me”, the slave whispered. “My master will
 not refuse the guest. Ask
him to set me free”. The merchant welcomed the sufi
 to his tent and brought
food. “I cannot accept your generosity until you release
 this poor man”. “I will.
But first listen to what I have suffered because of him!
 I used to have many purebred
camels, beautiful animals with humps like mountains, swift
 as the wind over steep
and flat, powerful as rhinoceri, tall and dignified as
 elephants. Their crossing
and recrossing this desolation were the source of my
 existence, their bells my most
wished-for sound. As they traveled, this camel driver sang
 songs. The camels heard
and carried their loads with courage and discipline. This time,
 though, when we unloaded
them, they fled in every direction, vanished in the desert,
 all but the one still
tied outside my tent”. The sufi said. “Let me hear the camel driver’s song”. The master
gestured, and the slave began. The visitor sat politely
 watching the tethered animal,
but as longing deepened in the song, the night walker
 tore his clothes and fell
on the ground, while the last camel snapped its rope and
 escaped into the darkness.

Dżalal ad-Din ar-Rumi “Jami’s the camel driver’s song”

Lao Tse

Non c’è niente di peggio
che seguire i desideri.
Non c’è male maggiore
del non saperci accontentare.
Non c’è torto peggiore
del tarlo del possesso.
Perciò tenere chiaro in mente
che il minimo è abbastanza
significa avere il più che sufficiente.

Lao Tse

William Blake Garden of Love

I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
And ‘Thou shalt not’ writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And Priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys & desires.


Tao te Ching 76

Alla nascita un uomo è tenero e flessibile,
alla morte è duro e rigido.
Tutti gli esseri, l’erba e gli alberi
da vivi sono teneri e flessibili,
da morti sono duri e rigidi.

Dunque il rigido e l’inflessibile
sono amici della morte.
Il tenero e il flessibile
sono amici della vita.

Un esercito rigido viene distrutto.
Un albero rigido viene spezzato.

Il rigido deve piegarsi
o sarà piegato dagli altri.
Ciò che è flessibile
riesce a crescere.

[Tao te Ching 76]