Before researchers become researchers they should become philosophers.
In making the transition to this kind of farming (natural farming), some weeding, composting or pruning may be necessary at first, but these measures should be gradually reduced each year. Ultimately, it is not the growing technique which is the most important factor, but rather the state of mind of the farmer.
In my opinion, if 100% of the people were farming it would be ideal.
If you plant one grain of rice, it becomes more than one thousand grains. One row of turnips makes enough pickles for the entire winter. If you follow this line of thought, you will have enough to eat, more than enough, without struggling. But if you decide to try to make money instead, you get on board the profit wagon, and it runs away with you.
If natural farming were practiced, a farmer would also have plenty of time for leisure and social activities within the village community.
If a high price is charged for natural food, it means that the merchant is taking excessive profits. Furthermore, if natural foods are expensive, they become luxury foods and only rich people are able to afford them.
If natural food is to become widely popular, it must be available locally at a reasonable price…
Just to live here and now – this is true basis of a human life.
Meat and other imported foods are luxuries because they require more energy and resources than the traditional vegetables and grains produced locally. It follows that people who limit themselves to a simple local diet need do less work and use less land than those with an appetite for luxury.
Extravagance of desire is the fundamental cause which has led the world into its present predicament.
Fast rather than slow, more rather than less—this flashy „development” is linked directly to society’s impending collapse. It has only served to separate man from nature. Humanity must stop indulging the desire for material possessions and personal gain and move instead toward spiritual awareness.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.
Pure natural farming, by contrast, is the no-stroke school. It goes nowhere and seeks no victory. Putting „doing nothing” into practice is the one thing the farmer should strive to accomplish. Lao Tzu spoke of non-active nature, and I think that if he were a farmer he would certainly practice natural farming. I believe that Gandhi’s way, a methodless method, acting with a non-winning, non-opposing state of mind, is akin to natural farming. When it is understood that one loses joy and happiness in the attempt to possess them, the essence of natural farming will be realized. The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.
Masanobu Fukuoka from „The One-Straw Revolution”
Very good article – I took your second picture of Masanobu Fukuoka at my blog. I linked it to your blog. I hope its o.k.
We do a test to grow his rice Happy Hill in a cold region of Germany.
thank you :-) and good luck