The Second Genesis Masanobu Fukuoka

We can­not sim­ply put things back the way they once were. Too much has hap­pened. Con­di­tions are far dif­fer­ent to­day from what they were just one hun­dred years ago. Soil has eroded and be­come drier due to agri­cul­ture, over­graz­ing, and cut­ting too many trees. Plant com­mu­ni­ties and the bal­ance of micro­organ­isms have been al­tered be­yond recog­ni­tion by plow­ing and agri­cul­tural chem­i­cals. An­i­mals and plants are be­com­ing ex­tinct from the elim­i­na­tion of their habi­tat. The seas are be­com­ing more acidic, and even the cli­mate is chang­ing. Even if we did go to the trou­ble of putting back the plants that were na­tive to a cer­tain place, there is no guar­an­tee that they would thrive there any­more.
 My idea is en­tirely dif­fer­ent. I think we should mix all the species to­gether and scat­ter them world­wide 1)↓, com­pletely do­ing away with their un­even dis­tri­bu­tion. This would give na­ture a full pal­ette to work with as it es­tab­lishes a new bal­ance given the cur­rent con­di­tions. I call this the Sec­ond Gen­e­sis.
Masanobu Fukuoka, „Sawing Seeds in the Desert”


Here, peo­ple are car­ry­ing out var­i­ous forms of hu­man ac­tiv­ity with the idea that they are ac­com­plish­ing some­thing. The last line refers to the fig­ure on the left who is on his own mis­sion to re­pair the dam­age of that ac­tiv­ity.

Orig­i­nally there was no east
west, high
low, slow
fast, easy
hard, love
This per­son is sow­ing seeds in the desert.

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1. making seeds pellets as rich as possible, and sawing them in the desert – przyp. Amin

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